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Working Around Transmission Lines

Liberty (Tinker Transmission) LP transmission corridors, or Rights-of-Way (ROWs), are essential for delivering safe, reliable power to both provincial and international customers. These ROWs allow our crews access to the transmission towers and lines for routine maintenance and emergency situations.

Power lines are designed to be safe, but electric utility lines and equipment still pose risks.

There are mandatory safety processes for working across, along or under Liberty (Tinker Transmission) LP power lines. You must contact Liberty (Tinker Transmission) LP early in your planning process to request authorization before starting work in and around transmission towers and lines.

Whether you’re building roads, planting trees, cultivating land, or maintaining sewage lines, if you’re working around a transmission power line, you need to Contact Click before you dig or call 811. Our team will work with you on a plan to conduct your work without putting yourself or others at risk.

It’s your responsibility to make sure work can be done safely around all international and provincial power lines.


You must request authorization from Liberty (Tinker Transmission) LP if your work involves:

  • Constructing a facility across, on, along or under a transmission powerline or transmission power line right of way (ROW)
  • Causing a ground disturbance within the ROW area of a transmission power line or near transmission power line structures
  • Operating a vehicle or mobile equipment on or across a transmission power line, outside of the travelled portion of a highway or public road
  • Changing land use for areas normally accessible only to pedestrians, snowmobiles, and personal-use all-terrain vehicles

Click Before You Dig

Planning a home improvement job, planting a tree or installing a fence or deck, Click Before You Dig to safely identify buried utility lines.

When submitting a web-based locate request through, homeowners, contractors, and others will receive an e-mail containing a ticket number and a list of utility owners that have been notified on their behalf. A minimum of three full working days is required in advance for all utilities to be located and marked via the process, so please be sure to plan ahead.

Across Canada, there are also numerous telephone-based options to make a locate request, as per the information below.

If you’re planning to construct a facility across, on, along or under a pipeline, or engage in an activity that causes a ground disturbance, you must first call your local one-call service number or use the Click Before You Dig website. Either way, local representatives will notify all utilities — including power, phone, gas, cable and pipeline companies — who will mark the location of their underground utilities, free of charge.

Damage prevention is a shared responsibility, so always remember to dig with CARE:

C -- Call or Click Before You Dig

A -- Allow required time for marking

R -- Respect and protect the marks

E -- Excavate carefully


New Brunswick One - Call Numbers

New Brunswick
Atlantic Dig Safe